Sunday, March 09, 2025

Transition is Ninth!

Maybe the slowing down's,
Not a sign I'm slowing,
One must move with the rhythm of their life,
To know where they're going.

I hope to say that from a place of wealth,
Both in riches and glee,
Not jinx it getting ahead of myself,
Or by being prematurely happy,

Don't think it's magic that will get me there,
More serendipity,
Fueled by putting myself in the world,
So it can notice me,
Which I e'er try,
But perhap's now's my time,
I have the years and the experience,
Nobody else can offer what is mine.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Transition Forward

Past Waths matched the day's date,
So why should this one change?
Unlike my perspective on the future,
Which is never the same,

One moment to the next I'm different,
The cause of my downfall,
Forever searching an alternate route,
To some destination ethereal,

That isn't really anyplace at all,
'least one I've never found,
Even though I see people all around,
Who seem to be there now,
Being happy,
Is it really that hard,
To know what you want and then to get it,
When money never seems to be that far?

Friday, February 28, 2025

Transition Part Twenty-Late

The only incentive,
For not missing a day,
Of writing my thoughts since I was laid off,
Is what I have to say.

There's no employer replacing parents,
Who love you with money,
All your worth based on what you do for them,
Within a small field of activities.

Whoa, did it take twenty-eight days to get here?
I can't say I like it,
One hopes for less incestuous break-throughs,
Unless it's all a bit.
Guess what, it is!
At least, I do believe,
Though thinking about going back to work,
Makes me feel like I have to eat my peas.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Transition Part 2-4

First I shaved my moustache,
That I had for ten years,
Then I was let go from my fulltime job,
Both had their unique fears:

Would my face look weird to other people?
Was I not good enough?
Will I feel less confident without it?
Will leaving it alone make it more rough?

I'm like a newborn with no family,
Bare as a baby's butt,
Do I venture forth like a warrior,
Or curl up in this rut?
I'm all alone,
In thought, not real'ty,
If you don't think there is a difference,
You have a better perspective than me.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Transition Part 23

Who came up with weekends?
Oh, it was god, wasn't it?
Is there value in us all following,
A time loving despot?

How about we all just do what we love,
In the time that we choose?
Any country, any class, any way,
Without letting any one person lose,

Supporting each other and pitching in,
When something needs be done?
We've tried varied systems and survived 
O'er two millenium.
Or so says god,
Could be far fewer years,
Far's I know, the world only existed,
For's long as I've been able to see her.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Transition Part 22

The way that I'm feeling,
I wish to feel fore'er,
I never knew what work did to my mind,
Am I sounding unfair?

Are eyes rolling because I've it so hard?
Canadian white guy,
Healthcare, safety, democracy, syrup,
Well, so you know, I'm barely getting by,

But I've faith in myself despite these things,
Which I don't think is bad,
Though for most of my life I did believe,
All I'd have's what I had,
Because of guilt,
For having anything,
But that's confusion twixt system and life,
One will not change if one is not willing.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Transition Part Forever 21

They say kids speed up time,
For the ones who raise them,
Before you know it they're out of the house,
'less born this millen-yum.

I'm suspect of anyone's reporting,
With nothing to compare,
I'm sorry, you know how time passes by,
For those with no cubs growing in their lair?

I have kids, I know how time feels for me,
Felt, too, when I had none,
All of my past feels equally distant,
To all other humans.
No, still no job,
But been busy as hell,
This week flew right on by way too quickly,
That is the way it is when you hustle.