Saturday, September 14, 2024

Gotta Go

This could be the last word,
I ever write again,
Or rather this one, or maybe this one,
Guess I'll never know when,

The space make you wonder?
I actually don't have much time now,
Before I need to pick up my daughter,

Who I hope is okay, which I can't know,
Until she is with me,
Which in truth is not enough to be sure,
Of her security,
Well, such is life,
It's the same for us all,
Life is so damn fleeting and delicate,
Yet we live as if that is usual.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Peace Isn't That Hard

How do you make choices,
To elevate your life,
When doing so when affects the ones you love,
Possibly causing strife,

While they too have their own choices to make,
That could affect you, too,
Thinking you're not as important as them,
Because it's, in the grand scheme of things, true?

Don't look to me for the answer to this,
You'll just get frustrated,
For me, giving the benefit of doubt's,
A trait understated.
Just be sincere,
Others will get the hint,
Until the world finally has peace!
Sounds a little too easy, doesn't it?

Sunday, September 08, 2024

TCN and Bad Faith

I've been reading two things,
Di'metric'lly opposed,
If the two writers were to every meet,
They'd acquire raspy throats,

For they'd be screaming to be listened to,
Each by the other one,
So much so they would fail to recognize,
When their two views align with precision,

The perceived difference is an evil,
Meant to thwart connection.
"But what could orchestrate such a grand plan?"
Just look at Babylon.
I don't mean god!
That might be too evil,
We'll never agree on just what that is,
Let's start with something more manageable.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Can’t Say Too Much

I want to be censored,
What do I have to say,
To have the government close my account,
In this democracy?

Incite public anger at corruption,
At the highest levels?
Maybe if someone actu'lly read this!
I'm already afraid I've sounded bells.

We're all conditioned to feel we are free,
That there's no boundaries,
As long as we are not harming others.
Well, test that out and see,
Are negotiable,
Is harm putting someone at risk of pain,
Or showing them they are in a bubble?