Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Too Many Days

It's about a feeling,
The one that we all want,
A recognition that we are unique
Oh my god, I just can't,

Sometimes it's just about finding the end,
As fast one's able,
Push through the vindictive, jealous comments,
Live through attempts to make you unstable,

There is no one looking out for your self,
Until you can help them,
Except parents who see you as their chance,
At their own redemption,
For their failures,
You better get it right,
For out of everyone in the world,
They are the only ones who sees your might

Thursday, November 25, 2021

No More Future

You can just know the past,
There's nothing else to see,
What comes now exists once you have seen it,
What comes will never be,

Yet it all appears to be just one thing,
Making up what you know,
Oh, had I left the future to itself,
I may have known what direction to go,

Instead I confused what I saw coming,
With what would come to pass,
Then when what came became not what I thought,
I had an awful past,
Which I can't change,
Because it's all I know,
From now on I declare there's no future,
Except as I thought of one time ago.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

To Foster

He moved to the east end,
The story of his life,
From the streets in the Carribbean Sea,
Filled with hunger and strife,

Taken to find a better existence,
Into a family's arms,
From the belly of a cargo airplane,
Each new sound eliciting stressed alarm,

Pried from the small crate he had travelled in,
Carried up to the car,
He is so gentle he shied from the cats,
The walks never got far,
Then he was gone,
Off to another home,
Banks showed us the dog he was meant to be,
Hid while circumstances forced him to roam.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

What This All Means

This is not the same thing,
As all the other ones,
This uses different words on each line,
For the same conclusion,

It's like when they say, all roads lead to Rome,
What comes out from my heart,
Creates a trail of thoughts that hold the key,
To the true message I wish to impart,

Not that I know wuite what that missive is,
I've not read all of them,
I'm sure it's a mixture of the sceptic,
With a hopeful vision,
Of what will be,
E'en having read the news,
Yes, reality could all be a dream,
But aren't dreams the things that inspire you?

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Inevitable

The light there is blinking,
Marking time on its own,
Until I sit down to turn on the thing,
It is, then, not alone,

It extends from my fingers, it is me,
Until I disconnect,
Manufactured in some far factory,
By people and machines I've never met.

Remember you will never interfere,
With this cycle of life,
We've already shot our scraps into space,
Trash spread out in our path,
That's how we roll,
Surprised where this has gone?
If you let your eyes see what's around you,
You'll see the result of evolution.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Hope on a Wing

What will the future bring?
You really asking me?!
There's ne'er been a person in history,
Who could answer that plea?

Queens have been dethroned, peasants come to rule,
Neither saw it coming,
Pick the most successful person today,
They could die 'fore they see their next morning,

What is true is that very few people,
Found success lying down,
However you define it, luck is made,
With sweat from your brow,
Or maybe not,
I only know right now,
Perhaps the next moment will prove to me,
That the world is not what I think, somehow.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

You Got It!

I try to remember,
What I wanted to be,
Where I wanted to end up in this life,
The things I wished to see,

What I wanted my mind to have consumed,
What I wanted to keep,
How I thought I could live among others,
While my awareness of them was asleep,

How I got through so many, many years,
Still asking these questions,
As all around people have the answers,
Though, that is a fiction,
Nobody does,
That's really not the aim,
Whether you think you have it figured out,
The puzzles you have to conquer's the same.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021


This is all that I have,
But maybe it's enough,
It's proved you can only get what you've got,
Living your life is tough,

Not because you don't get what you deserve,
But because you don't know,
What it is it thinks you should get at all,
If you knew, I think you'd be good to go,

Oh the stress of not knowing your ending!
Until when should you plan?
Then plan again for those you chose to birth,
Because you are human,
It's so tiring,
I'm not the first to say,
Born with no choice of where you've ended up,
Oh god, why did you design life this way?

Monday, November 08, 2021

Not Trying

You just never know where,
It is your life will end,
For some, they can thrive in this adventure,
Whether they lose or win,

The prospect of not knowing anything,
For others, causes stress,
Still, many manage to control enough,
That the scenario they get's the best,

In neither case, nor in the endless more,
Is one the best suited,
For everyone, but maybe just for one,
Unless they refute it,
For something else,
Like constant suffering,
Many choose to be beat down by this life,
While others can't win despite hard sweating.

Friday, November 05, 2021

Know Thyself

Do you have the keys, yet,
That opens up all doors,
Tucked away safely in your back pocket,
Wrapped around your heart's core,

Making you the person you want to be,
Hence, making you yourself,
Bringing to you the opportunities,
Suited for absolutely no one else,

Filling you withe even more ecstasy,
Than winning lotteries,
Because you get what you would have to buy,
Without needing money?
Know what I mean?
It's not an outside thing,
Know thyself and you know all you need to,
To unlock the door to your everything,

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

The Seer

To find out the future,
You only need to view,
What ii is happening in your present,
To ascertain a clue,

You'll ne'er feel differently about it,
Than you already do,
Just getting something you want's not the key,
To becoming a totally new you,

Then again, maybe it's a catalyst,
But first you must become,
A person who reflects on who they are,
You seeing a pattern?
Well, if you dont,
Try reading this again,
If the next time you find a diff'rent message,
Then your trip to the future just began.

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Thinking Big

It's not about the past,
Or e'en learning from it,
At least, that is not the entire story,
To making life more fit,

Like having a song stuck inside your head,
While you're trying to think,
You must find a path to a state of mind,
In which that melody becomes extinct,

Flying high and then swooping down to the ground,
Integrating them both,
Not changing who you are as a person,
But expanding your growth,
Becoming big,
While others remain small,
If you e'er wondered how people succeed,
It's by thinking big, that really is all.

Monday, November 01, 2021

Restless Nights

Crying in the kitchen,
No sleep for me, tonight,
My head's as cloudy as a don't know what,
Brain is not working right,

If I could manage every day like this,
It wouldn't be so bad,
Though one day I would get so used to it,
All my disappointments would come right back,

The clouds would cease being a distraction,
The real world would return,
The fears, anxiety, and fitful nights,
As if I never learned,
But then, who does?
No matter the redos,
All anyone wants is to stay the same,
While still having all their dreams come true.