Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The True News Source

Where do I get my news?
The BBC mostly,
I cycle through all of the world sections,
From Asia to Mid East,

Africa, Americas, Australia,
That last one shouldn't be,
Hold on, it shouldn't be a section of its own,
I don't mean it shouldn't be a country,

Or a continent, let's not get off track,
I check out Bad Faith, too,
Sometimes I'll jump to Fox or Aljazeera
To get a different view,
But, they're the same,
What I mean's, they just wave,
At the same void that we all dance around,
Because the truth's not something one can say.

Monday, August 29, 2022

The Real Conspiracy

Even before Covid,
The world was melting down,
I don't know what a conspiracy is,
But timing is profound,

Climate took a backseat for two years,
Really, at the nexus,
I remember thinking in naught eighteen,
Right now, there should be no other focus,

Well, sure, there were more immediate threats,
To others, like famine,
Local's what concerns, and my biggest threat,
Was oil industry's sins,
Now they're forgot,
With the Inflation Act,
I won't get into that conspiracy,
There sure is not enough room here for that.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Climate Crisis Intro

Said lots about climate,
I'm not the only one,
Thankfully, where I live is not hard hit,
Unlike other nations,

But Canada's honeymoon will be short,
Maybe before the droughts,
We laud our friendship with America,
But our wealth of water puts that at risk,

Not to mention that global climate woes,
Destroys economies,
Just like the internet connects us all,
It's an analogy,
I know, I know,
I've said naught new,
The fact is it has all been said before,
Next time I will purport different views.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Substack Intro

What I know's limited,
By what I've on my lap,
Connected to the worldwide internet,
Filtered by many caps,

First by my status in society,
Not high, but sadly high,
Born in a country, relatively free,
Privileged, for now, being born a white guy,

Plus the internet's fallen short of goals,
Like being truly free,
For how can you know what is really true,
With no reality?
But what I know's,
Opinion's never wrong,
If used as an investigative tool,
To figure out how to all get along.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Range

Life has its ups and downs,
Would most people say that?
It's sure that if you have all that you need,
That's going to be fact,

Humans can do a lot animals can't,
Staying happy's not one,
Not that I'm an expert on earthling minds,
But people are good at self-destruction,

I susptect, too, that if you're destitute,
Had no luck or prospects,
Held down from birth by money and by caste,
You've smiled despite the hex.
So, why is that,
Assuming that I'm right?
What's wrong with feeling happy all the time,
And why find light within the darkest night?

Monday, August 15, 2022

To Write

This is just for writing,
Like many writers say,
To write you must write and make sure you write,
Every single day,

It doesn't matter what you write at all,
Just that you write at all,
Though it's your right to write what you want to,
You might write what is called exceptional,

That is if you feel writing is a rite,
I had to fit that in,
To write should have a religious aspect,
Outside of ambition,
So I've written,
Now there's no more to do,
Until I realize I haven't written,
The last thought I didn't write down for you.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Trite Life

What is really different,
From your day yesterday,
That your perspective on life has reversed,
From hopeful to dismay?

There are infinite factors in your life,
Within its unity,
Making any one by comparison,
Ineligible for priority.

What a load of crap, I hear you saying,
That is bad math gone wrong,
Tell that to my overdrawn bank account,
It sings a mismatched song.
Maybe you're right,
Wait, what just happened here,
Shows how we're at the whim of destiny,
Or whatever you call life's sudden veers.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Way to Think

There is an attitude,
Experienced before,
A naïve feeling of optimism,
While nothing is in store,

You could liken it to the Tarot's Fool,
Or Kierkegaard's Faith Knight,
A self-awareness that nothing's deserved,
But somehow knowing each step taken's right,

Let's not get caught up in definitions,
Mystic or Danish fans,
The point is within the moments lived thus,
Your life feels happenstance,
Well, not just feels,
In my experience,
The greatest chance of opportunity
Is generated by this mental stance.

Friday, August 05, 2022

Morning Time in the Laurentians

The air's cold on my skin,
The sun is shining bright,
The shimmer on the water may be bugs,
Or a summer breeze, light,

The sough through the trees is releasing rain,
Having fell yesterday,
I can't decifer whose bird call is whose,
Nor how my future debts will all be paid,

The journey ahead is long and winding,
Gravel will shoot from tires,
To buy a coffee made by steady hands,
Available for hire,
But otherwise,
Who knows what they would do,
Assuming society cared for them,
So survival was not a concern, too.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Getting Better

I found myself someplace,
I don't want to admit,
For years where I was not allowed to strive,
Or did not even fit,

While I was convinced it was all on me,
If I could figure out,
What it was that I kept on doing wrong,
Putting my own abilities in doubt,

Until it all culminated one day,
Into a perfect storm,
I realized I would not get what I want,
Which had become the norm,
But I'm not mad,
I don't blame anyone,
I've come out stronger and more sure of things,
I chack it up to my evolution.

Monday, August 01, 2022

This Is Not A Dream

Ever have a good dream,
Where there's lots of people,
You're happy and you really don't know why,
So much you can't keep still,

Then you realize that you are in a dream,
Which makes you happier,
You fly around the room because you can,
For you're completely void of any fear,

Then you wake up remembering it all,
Knowing it meant something,
Like it's saying you are on the right track,
Both in life and thinking?
What, you haven't?
Then let me tell you how,
All that is keeping you from that feeling,
Is not having read this Wath until now.