Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How To Fit It All In One Day

Maybe you are grappling,
With what you can achieve,
In the short time that you have on this earth,
Before you have to leave,

Perhaps you don't know what it is you want,
God knows I still wonder,
It's bad enough we have to eat and sleep,
Each one of us has to sit and ponder,

For those who think it is a unique gift,
Look what it's led us to,
You think animals have less fulfilled lives,
'Cause they don't refine fuel?
Get outta here,
Do what makes you feel heard,
Everything is out the window now,
The way it should have been from the first word.

Monday, June 24, 2024

How Do We Know?

Fear is fear of something,
That hasn't happened, yet,
Enveloped in the journey to get there,
History prepackaged,

'fyou could've only seen more of the past,
Unravelled before you,
You could have changed it before it happened,
And turned that fear into excitement, too,

Guess you could look at the silver lining,
The past's not ever passed,
It changes to explain what you have done,
Unmeasurably fast,
Unless you - look,
Sorry, I lost my thought,
Let's just say all things have a narrative,
To explain what you've done and what you’ve not.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

I See You

I just got new glasses,
They are my second pair,
Unless you own a pair of glasses, too,
I'm betting you don't care,

Just like me when my eyesight was perfect,
When I was young, like you,
You and me, we are exactly the same,
Living on opposite sides of a cube,

The other sides are variations, too,
Luck is what's put us here,
Or chance, or someone etched us with a tool,
The odds for all are peer.
Oh, don't you see?
It is not about sight,
I see just the same as the next person,
That is, if we lived the exact same life.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Next Stage

What do you think of me,
When I speak out like this,
As if my thoughts are in tune with the world,
If it even exists,

Oh, sure, you can say what you want to, too,
You know that I'm all ears,
I will take your words and put them with mine,
Now we each have one less person to fear,

Because now we both know the other's real,
Unless we're seeing things,
Which is fine, because there's a pill for that,
Better they clip the wings,
Of someone else!
I've come out of my shell,
I couldn't go back if I wanted to,
Though, if I could that would be cool as hell.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Transforming Time

When you find a moment,
Transform it into time,
Do something that would never have been done,
That is what is sublime,

That is what is the human unique trait,
Maybe animals too,
Maybe the rocks, robots, and aliens,
Of course, we can never walk in their shoes,

Or in each other's shoes either, really,
This all could be a dream,
Maybe if we transform the same moment,
I'll see you, you'll see me,
Would we e'en know?
What would be different?
It's faith that makes the world around you real,
There isn't another ingredient.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Not a Bad Idea

One day you'll reach a stage,
You never'd guess exists,
Where who you were is something in the past,
You see could not persist,

Nor could you e'er return to it again,
You'd never be the same,
You bit an apple that gave you knowledge,
You'd need to remove a piece of your brain,

I think they call it a lobotomy,
Not a bad idea,
It's something to keep in my back pocket.
If I ever see ya,
Let me forget,
What I once could have been,
You cannot grow to your full potential,
And still feel you've got reasons for living.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Just Hanging

Ev'rything is quiet,
Both cats silently stare,
The hammock's rocking while i search the sky,
In the late day's cool air,

A bird makes a noise and startles Clover,
The bird is not to blame,
I've got a Talking Heads song in my head,
I swear I don't even know its real name,

The breeze doesn't care about where it goes,
Or whether someone cares,
Or cares about caring about money,
It's only made of air,
Just like we are,
It's hot, escaping fast,
Astrid's still where she'll be an hour from now,
Lying still, looking around, eating grass.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Here We GO

I thought I'd forgotten,
All the lessons I'd learned,
There's too much in my head at the moment,
To acc'ratley discern,

In any meaningful way what I know,
Here's where I am modest,
Again, not being in a stat to say,
That not knowing is really for the best,

Unless you're trying to make a diff'rence,
Then you best know something,
E'en if in the deepest cell of you're heart,
You know it is nothing,
Because it is,
Just like everything,
Ok, I did just spend time writing this,
Tell me what else that I should be doing.

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Challengers

I cannot see too well,
Well, well enough to see,
That sometimes when you tell your self something,
It's not quite what it seems,

It could be that you're just fooling your self,
For a very good cause,
Because when you have more experience,
You'll be doing things no body else does,

Which doesn't mean it will mean anything,
Do not get your hopes up,
It's like any great movie that you've seen,
First you've got to well up,
To know you're real,
No one else should teach this,
They've said it over and over again,
This may as well fucking be the abyss.