Tuesday, July 30, 2024

One Day

I have always wanted,
What ev'rybody wants,
Ask me what that is, I say ask yourself,
Then find the confidence,

To live your life as if that is your truth,
Because, you know, it is,
For if your not sure then you know it's not,
The reason and purpose that you exist,

But when you are sure, oh my fucking god-
Well, I'm not sure I know,
I always thought if you did what you want,
There's no place you can't go,
But I was wrong,
About which, I'm not sure,
Either I haven't figured it out, yet,
Or figuring out is a fool's detour.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

You’ll Get There

Does this sound famil'ar?
You're walking in a mall,
You watch people moving from store to store,
You are feeling enthrawled,

This is a world that you are living in,
This is what's happening,
Never mind anything else could instead,
Well, maybe that's exactly the meaning,

Of all the questions you have yet to ask,
But I know are coming,
Something has to be something, after all,
Unless it comes from me,
And you're not real,
No need to get upset,
I've written thousands and thousands of these,
You think that I have figured it out, yet?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Ways to Go

I've yet to disconnect,
In a meaningful way,
From investment in life's ephemera,
Never mind for a day,

Once, on a recliner on vacation,
It wasn't long ago,
Long enough that I remember it still,
But was it real, I can't say that I know,

I may've had a solitary moment,
Enough to recognize,
That it fell short of what would be needed,
To open up one's eyes,
But what it showed,
I can never forget,
Now I am sure there is a life out there,
That I've not experienced, as of yet.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I’ve Been Thinking

I've been thinking a lot,
It's kind of my thing now,
Everyone should take a little time
For some self-reflection.

Like how do I know I know anything?
Don't say that's been answered.
Those who know, know how to lie to themselves,
For how else does the question cause a stir?

Like, if we knew we would know that we knew,
It would be no big deal,
Like how we control electricity,
Assuming that it's real,
See, no one knows,
I'm not being profound,
Plato already showed asking questions
E'er proves there are no answers to be found.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

As Time Goes On

How much should I worry,
About what is to come,
Both what is likely from current events,
And imagination,

What I would like to happen despite me,
(No real sense of focus),
What experience tells me to expect,
(Because my dreams so often turn to dust)?

There was a time when it was all out there,
Possibil'ties galore,
Now whittled down to just a couple paths,
I've considered before.
Don't get me wrong!
They're there for they are right,
My heart has led me in lieu of my mind,
The trick's not to let them get in a fight.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Getting Ahead

Once you put your line out,
You have to jerk the rod,
They've got to take not just the bait but hook,
For that, you must play god,

We all create the world in our image,
Until one comes along,
That appears more perfect than what we've got,
It's called getting lured by the siren's song,

Which is the final lesson of this Wath,
Hope your stomach's not weak,
Once reeled in it is time to scale and gut,
The birthright of the meek,
So now you've won,
Got just what you desired,
All you had to do was to sacrifice,
Some schmuck destined for the funeral pyre.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

The Path To Peace

I just have to do this,
There's too much energy,
I realize listening to Check Your Head,
Available to me,

Available to you, too, truth be told,
If such a thing's likely,
Actu'lly to happen to anyone,
There's no test to find out what's real'ty,

Which is fine as long as we all know it,
And don't pretend it's false,
Which produces two possibilities,
One should not have a pulse.
Can you guess which?
'Guess' might be the wrong word.
Will you live an authentic existence,
Or cede to the lies to which we're all lured?

Saturday, July 06, 2024

When You Admire a Circle

Are there other levels,
One can experience,
In their own life, not as an employee?
Which one should make more sense?

That all there's to strive for's in the system,
Whether work, sleep, or play,
There is no consciousness without others,
To judge if you're a menace or okay?

Or that one is the best judge of themself,
As if no one is there,
A pure appreciation for the truth,
That science would not dare?
How about both?
Plus much more in between,
You have to find out what works best for you,
That's the only way you'll ever be seen.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

At Least It’s Not Mine

The ceiling is dripping,
We were told it would stop,
Is it me or do some people believe,
What turns out to be not?

Then you sit thinking what became of it,
Look at the rafters rot,
There's no connection between thoughts and life,
Except alone what's either of them got?

Sometimes you've just got to empty the pail,
Though some water gets through,
After thousands of drops forming one shape,
You should want something new.
I'm naseous now,
It's time to go to sleep,
To the soothing sounds of a crumbling house,
Tonight I'll have to be counting wet sheep.