Tuesday, December 12, 2006


You just have to keep trudging,
To make it to the good times that are there,
It's the nature of this society,
To make the distribution of ease unfair.

Go to work, wake up when you do not want,
And wait while you slowly approach the time,
When you can do what you want, after you've done the things,
You couldn't, while you were doing things for some guy.

But it's all worth it in the context of this world,
And it's the best thing in this world you can do,
Unless you make a fortune and don't have to work,
Just don't let your kids not work, too.

And it's alright,
I know it's like being a mouse in a cage,
And just like that mouse, we're just in an experiment.
Our kid's may find themselves in a better age.

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