Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Sestina

I always thought that life was about love,
For as long as I can remember,
Even though, everyone I ever
Met, tried to turn me on like a lamp,
Like the sun in the middle of summer,
That such a belief would lead to regret.

But, I was never one for regret,
And though I was never smooth at love,
Luck shone on me like it was summer,
And people were even envious, if I remember,
Telling me that I could turn on opportunity like a lamp.
Being young, I foolishly thought that could last for ever.

I thought that life would never ever,
Put me in a position of regret.
But I was as insignificant to it as a lamp.
It is incapable of love.
You all know from being young, you remember,
That faster than the seasons, winter takes over from summer,

The hot, sweaty tiredness of summer,
An opinion I didn’t think I’d ever,
Have of that sweet season, ‘til I remember,
How my most earnest passes, always ended in regret,
And I knew that I didn’t understand love,
Like darkness can’t understand a lamp.

I did stand tall and bright, like a lamp,
Even against the bright sun of summer,
For a while, while I could not give up on love,
When I thought I would not give up on it, ever.
Because, how monstrous is passion compared to regret?
Well, my conscience won’t let me remember,

Because there are things you shouldn’t remember,
Around those things, pull the bulb out of the lamp,
Because they were only steps to growth, not meant for regret,
Like the leaves that died to make room for the leaves of summer,
Like the cringes you dare not ever,
Tell anyone, in case you give a bad name to love.

The regret in my life, I choose not to remember,
Like love can’t be turned off like a lamp.
I will hold tight to summer, and won’t let go of luck, ever.

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